
Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy can be beneficial for a variety of reasons- from:

  • Deepening your awareness and relationship with yourself or your loved ones

  • Living more connected and aligned with the life you desire and who you want to be

  • Finding a sense of lightness by processing through grief, trauma, or complicated family dynamics

  • Building a tool kit to better learn how to cope through the stressors of life and manage your emotions

  • Being able to better acknowledge and communicate your needs and desires to live a more fulfilled life

Couples Therapy

Relationships can be challenging and it’s easy to feel a sense of despair and feeling stuck with either repeating similar arguments or going through multiple relationships and not knowing how to end the pattern. In Couples Therapy you may learn:

  • How to better self-regulate in heated moments or places of pain that you later regret how you responded

  • How to understand the roots of your behaviors that end up hurting your parter and cause more of a drift in your relationship or even cause issues in other relationships or areas of life

  • How to better support each other through difficult stages of life such as parenting or loss of a loved one

  • Learn how to better communicate clearly to deepen understanding and meeting each other’s needs/wants more effectively

Pre-Marital Therapy

Studies show that pre-marital counseling can reduce the chances of divorce by 50%. In Pre-Marital Therapy depending on the level of therapy desired, we would meet for a minimum of 12 sessions using Prepare Enrich curriculum to assess your individualized relationship strengths and growth areas and go over the basics of a healthy marriage, such as:

  • Personality Similarities and Differences

  • Develop better communication skills

  • Understand Family Backgrounds

  • Conflict-Resolution

  • Discuss financial and sexual expectations/issues

  • Create individual, couple, and family goals

Currently offering limited in-person therapy in San Francisco and Walnut Creek depending on day/time as well as HIPAA compliant Teletherapy for clients all throughout California